Anger, Fear, & Freedom
Here's a quick snippet of what I learned today. Sometimes we enjoy being angry. For to no longer be angry, we must decide to move on. To move on, we must decide to forgive. To forgive, we must admit that we were hurt. To admit we were hurt, we must acknowledge that we are not always in control. To acknowledge our lack of control, we must admit we are fearful. Therefore, to flee from fear, we often run to anger. Anger is easier. Anger allows us to pretend we have power. Anger allows us to trust in ourselves rather than anyone else. It lets us pretend that we have it all together because someone else caused the problem. But it keeps us from being authentic. It keeps us from freedom. And it keeps us from real love. The good news is that God is love. And perfect love drives out fear. You whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off " ;...