Singles & the Church: A "Research" Project
Singleness can be a tricky topic for a single person like myself to discuss. There is always the fear that people will perceive your opinions as simply you whining or feeling sorry for yourself for not being in a relationship. However, I think it is a conversation that absolutely needs to be started. For that reason, I decided to conduct a “research project” about singles & their views of the church. If nothing else, please realize that these are real quotes from real singles in the church. This is what they would like to say to you. This is not an accusatory post; rather, it is attempting to be an honest and exploratory post. For this project, I interviewed several singles of various ages from various churches by asking them 5-7 questions. I then drew my own general conclusions based on those responses. Find the conclusions below, complete with examples and quotes from these interviews. *Please note that I acknowledge that this is not completely representative for every...