
In one week, I will turn twenty-seven years old. Twenty-seven. On one hand, it is an age that I cannot believe I have already reached. Just a few years ago, twenty-seven seemed light years away. On the other, I feel so incredibly young. Adulthood, with all its privileges and burdens, often still feels new and fresh. I tend to be a reflective person, especially around beginnings like birthdays, a new year, or new adventures. For these last few weeks, I have been reflecting on the past year of my life. A year ago, I wasn’t sure what to make of turning twenty-six. Suddenly, I was closer to 30 than 20, which seemed very weird. I had no idea what to expect out of the second half of my twenties, especially because the first half had not turned out in any way like I could have planned. Looking back on 26, I can confidently say that it was one of the best years of my life, if not the best. Here are a few highlights and things I have learned. Saying Yes - During the past yea...