
In one week, I will turn twenty-seven years old. Twenty-seven. On one hand, it is an age that I cannot believe I have already reached. Just a few years ago, twenty-seven seemed light years away. On the other, I feel so incredibly young. Adulthood, with all its privileges and burdens, often still feels new and fresh.  

I tend to be a reflective person, especially around beginnings like birthdays, a new year, or new adventures. For these last few weeks, I have been reflecting on the past year of my life.

A year ago, I wasn’t sure what to make of turning twenty-six. Suddenly, I was closer to 30 than 20, which seemed very weird. I had no idea what to expect out of the second half of my twenties, especially because the first half had not turned out in any way like I could have planned. Looking back on 26, I can confidently say that it was one of the best years of my life, if not the best. Here are a few highlights and things I have learned.

Saying Yes - During the past year, I have made it a point to say, “Yes.” In the months leading up to my 26th birthday, I felt God speaking to me a lot about bravery. During my 26th year, something switched on inside of me. I became more comfortable with risk. I became willing to do things that weren’t quite in my comfort zone. I felt much more free to speak my mind (hopefully in a gracious manner). As a result, I have had some really cool experiences in the past year. I have become more confident. I have become more of an optimist. I have developed new friendships. My time has been full and rich (and just FUN), and I believe it is largely due to my willingness to say, “Yes.” I still have a lot of room to grow here, but it is cool to look back on the last year and see how God has been changing my perspective.

Saying No - At the same time, I have made it a point to say, “No.” In some regards, I tend to be a people-pleaser. I like to be an overachiever, I like to make people happy, and I like affirmation. I like have a reputation as the “reliable one”. This can lead to me being over-involved in things while not really enjoying any of them. I have discovered a freedom to say “No” when I need to. In the past, I have felt like I had to justify my decision any time I said no. I have felt pressure from myself and from our culture to be constantly busy. (We all one-up each other over JUST how busy and stressed we are - kind of ridiculous, right?) This year has been changing me. I am learning to trust that God gives me freedom and wisdom to make good decisions. I have seen that just because I am involved in a million things does not mean I am truly experiencing life and the goodness God has to offer. I am learning how to use my time well to serve others while also understanding that enjoying some down time is not a sin. It seems the older I get, the more I see the need for balance, so I am thankful for the freedom to say both “yes” and “no”.   

Putting Down Roots - I moved to Norman on my 18th birthday, so I have now been a Norman resident for 9 years. It seems crazy that I have been a Normanite for ⅓ of my life, especially because Norman is so different from where I grew up, even though it’s in the same state. Year 26 has given me a deep thankfulness in calling this town home. I love SO many things about Norman (except maybe the Lindsey Street construction). I feel like I have put down roots, and though I don’t know where life will take me, I’m so glad to be here for now. God has blessed me with some incredible friendships in the last 9 years. This place has given me another family of sorts. And of course, I literally have family here, as I now live with both my sisters! I never thought we would live together as adults, but God has given us such a cool gift. I love being able to share this time of my life with them and watch how they grow, too. (Super proud of them, by the way.)  

Singleness is a Gift (Really) - I never really thought I would be 27 and single. In many parts of the country, being 27 and single is completely normal. But let’s be real - this is Oklahoma. The average married age is skewed a bit younger, especially in church circles. A good majority of my friends are married, and many of them have children or are beginning that journey. I do often feel a bit out of place, and that used to bother me and make me a bit uncomfortable, even though I was genuinely having a blast putting on wedding showers or snuggling a friend’s newborn. However, year 26 brought a peace and contentment in this area that I have not yet known, for which I am so thankful. Instead of focusing on the good things of everyone else’s life stage, I have been able to be truly grateful for the good and unique things in mine. There are so many incredible benefits to being single. I used to scoff at the saying, “Singleness is a gift”, always thinking that was just something married people said to get singles to stop complaining (conveniently forgetting that GOD actually said that through Paul). I look forward with great anticipation and hope to the day that I may become a wife and later a mother, but for now, I am really excited to see what God does in my life the way it is.

Life is Messy - During the last year, I have seen more than ever just how complicated and difficult life can be. Even when life is “good”, I deal with doubt, arrogance, pride, fear, selfishness, anger, SIN. I have seen friends deeply struggle with many things:  Marriage issues. Infertility. Miscarriages. Parenting in difficult circumstances. Anxiety. Exhaustion. Job loss. Identity crisis. Financial debt. Depression. Sickness. Family strife. Death. Some of these things have resolved; some are ongoing struggles. Life isn’t as rosy as it was as a kid. But through all of these circumstances, whether in my life or in the lives of those around me, I can rejoice that God is good and faithful. He proves Himself over and over. He pursues me both when I look to Him and when I run. Year 26 has shown me this more than ever. I am so thankful that people wade into my mess to walk with me and let me do the same. Life is messy, but somehow that mess makes us beautiful.

I could go on and on about what I have learned, so I will just wrap up by saying that the last year has been an incredible blessing (as every year really is). Each day I see a little more of a glimpse of just how intricate God’s plan for my life is and how He is woven into each detail. I have no idea what the next year holds, and strangely (as someone who tends to enjoy planning and control), I’m more okay with that than I’ve ever been. So, here’s to twenty-seven and all the adventures it may bring!


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