Be In The Moment

A typical week for me looks like this:

Monday: work and frantically completing homework and assignments due the next week
Tuesday - Friday: 6 shifts at work, hours and hours of class and homework, observation hours, and ministry duties
Saturday: try to recover from exhaustion, catch up on what I'm behind on, and catch up with friends
Sunday: church, work, and preparing for the week to come

Basically, Monday-Friday I spend a lot of time waiting for the weekend, Saturday I'm too exhausted to think about anything, and I spend half my time Sunday wishing the weekend would be longer/dreading the week to come. 

This is not healthy, and not how God intended it to be. I find that my mind is constantly moving forward to the next list of things I have to get completed instead of focusing on where I am in the moment. Often during the week, I am pretty much useless to God because I don't have time to look for opportunities to serve or share the gospel. It's hard to find contentment - during the week, I focus on the weekend, but during the weekend, I still feel restless. Even when I'm having fun with friends, I can never fully relax because I know that there is a pile of things waiting for me to do. 

I need to understand that God put me here for a reason. I don't want to wish my life away. I want to find joy in every day and seek God in each moment. I don't want to be the person who "lives for the weekend", then looks back and wonders where the time has gone. 
Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." It doesn't say "tomorrow" or "yesterday", but this is the day. God calls us to rejoice in Him each day. 
Also, the things of this world are just temporary. Anything I'm worried about will fade, but through an eternal perspective, what is done for the kingdom and for God's glory will stand. "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." Isaiah 40:8 
Furthermore, Luke 12:34 says, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." If my treasure is in Christ, then my heart will be wherever He is, not wherever I am in life. If I'm seeking Him, I will be content and fulfilled, no matter what day of the week. 

"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

Any thoughts? 


  1. As you probably know, I am a huge huge planner. I like to think ahead. And as you also know, when I plan, those plans usually fail.

    I have since gotten into the habit of praying that God would just tell me what I need to do TODAY, now, at this moment, within this hour. Yes, projects are due, papers need to be written, friends need to be caught up with. Those things need to be set apart and set aside to complete them.

    But I am just saying that I 100% understand where you are at. I also feel that I am "completely useless for God" during the actual weekdays. It get's down to the truth of the matter, Bethany, I am not still enough. I do not sit still and know that He is God. KNOW that He is God. I have so much to do that I am always thinking "if I just get this done, then I will spend time with God and listen", but once that task is complete, I move on to the next one.

    God is so good to us! Lets pray that He helps us to remain in today and today alone, and believe that not only He CAN answer that prayer, but that He WILL!


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