
Showing posts from April, 2012

Too Righteous

Are we too righteous?  The obvious answer to that question is, "No stinkin way." But I'm coming at this one from a different angle. By asking, "Are we too righteous?", I'm really asking, "Do we show ourselves in such a light that people perceive us as righteous and good?" In other words, do we pretty ourselves up enough that people can't really see our mistakes?  Because that, in itself, is a mistake. Doesn't shining up our reputation make us just like the Pharisees? They were always covering up their selfish desires by what appeared to be holiness. But they were just as messed up as the so-called sinners that they were so concerned about. Jesus called them out in Matthew 23:3-4 " For they preach, but do not practice.   They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear,   and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger..." (Read all of Matthew 23 to get a good sense of what J...

Beautiful Reminder

My journal entry for the night. :)  You are constantly proving  that You don't need my help. For years, I poked, prodded, & pushed toward  an ideal, toward a checklist, toward hypothetical perfection. I desperately yearned to see change, so I resolved to make it happen. I desired it, waited for it, anticipated it, expected it. But I was let down.  Devastatingly. Then out of the blue, You hit me with the realization that You  are the one to design & initiate transformation.  It's not up to me. And all of a sudden,  I see how You were preparing this all along.  I'm out of the way & You have room to work. He absolutely flourishes, and in Your perfect timing. My plans were many, but Your purpose prevailed. I rejoice in the beautiful reminder that I am free from making people into who they "should" be. I'll just watch You work with who they are.

The Victory is Yours

The Joy of Easter Because of You, Jesus, I am not condemned. No matter what I've done or who I've been, the Father looks at me & see You : Your life, death, & resurrection. Your righteousness, blood, & glory. Hallelujah, I have been set free! I was in bondage to my own sin, shackled to my own suffering, powerless to be good enough for a Holy God. But when you poured out Your life as a drink offering, when You sacrificed for my sin, not only was the veil torn, but my chains were loosed & fell off! Grace was heaped over my wrongs, my failures, my imperfections. But praise God, You didn't stop there! You became the ultimate conqueror as You walked out of the grave. Death could not hold my Savior! Now not only was I given forgiveness & grace, but the Spirit of the Living God came to live inside of me. The same spirit of the God of creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, the God who became fully human, the God who walked on this earth performing m...

While I Was Yet a Sinner...

Easter is such a time of joy. I love being reminded that Jesus conquered death and brought new life. But how often do I think on what had to happen before the resurrection? How often do I consider the cross?  I know the story of the cross. Jesus was arrested, falsely accused, brought to trial, and crucified. It was a horrifying death for someone who didn't deserve it. I also know that Jesus was not murdered, but gave His life willingly. But how much do I understand that? Do I realize that my sin was the reason he died? I am just as guilty as those driving the nails into His hands and feet. My sin crucified Him. Isaiah 53: 3-12:  "He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; & as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, & afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for ...