The Victory is Yours

The Joy of Easter

Because of You, Jesus, I am not condemned. No matter what I've done or who I've been, the Father looks at me & see You: Your life, death, & resurrection. Your righteousness, blood, & glory. Hallelujah, I have been set free! I was in bondage to my own sin, shackled to my own suffering, powerless to be good enough for a Holy God. But when you poured out Your life as a drink offering, when You sacrificed for my sin, not only was the veil torn, but my chains were loosed & fell off! Grace was heaped over my wrongs, my failures, my imperfections. But praise God, You didn't stop there! You became the ultimate conqueror as You walked out of the grave. Death could not hold my Savior! Now not only was I given forgiveness & grace, but the Spirit of the Living God came to live inside of me. The same spirit of the God of creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, the God who became fully human, the God who walked on this earth performing miraculous wonders, the God who gave it all for me. With this, You adopted me as a daughter into Your own family. I became one cleansed and made holy, one who can cry, "Abba, Father." Oh how You love us! You chose me, called me, & justified me. All because of LOVE, a love that will never die and will reign victoriously forevermore. Who can separate me from Your love, Jesus? My sin couldn't. The cross couldn't. Death and the grave couldn't. Satan couldn't. You have overcome it all! So why should I ever fear? You are here & You love me, & that will never be taken away. Thank You Jesus, for loving me despite my unrighteousness. Thank You, Jesus, for making a way. Thank You, Jesus, that You are more than enough! 


  1. Amen! This is such a beautiful explaination and understanding of God and his love and mercy. Thank you for sharing :)


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