Twenty Years

Oklahoma City. April 19, 1995. 9:02 AM. 168 people killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands affected in one of the worst domestic terrorist attacks in history. It's hard to believe that this Sunday marks 20 years since that moment. I wasn't even quite 5 years old at the time, and though I lived in Oklahoma, I didn't live near OKC. Obviously, there's not much I remember from that specific day. More than anything, I remember absorbing the feelings of those around me -- shock, sadness, anger. Even at that age, I think I realized that something terribly evil had happened. Through the years, and especially each April, I have found myself researching the events of that day. Poring over news articles and videos. Searching for survivor accounts. Stumbling upon photos in disbelief. Visiting the Oklahoma City National Memorial . I've been engrossed in the story again this year. For me, and I would assume for most Oklahomans of my generation, the bombing can often se...