A New Chapter

Today is my last day as a staff member at Redeemer Church. Whoa…that’s a strange thing to write! For the past three and half years or so, I have been employed as the administrative assistant. It has not exactly been what I expected, but then again, most things in life aren’t. I am not surprised by how much I enjoyed my job; however, I am a little surprised by how much I learned. So, in typical blog-post fashion, here are the top 5 things I learned by being in administration at Redeemer.

1) Being in an admin position teaches you to appreciate the little things.

I’ve always known that there is a lot of work that goes unnoticed to help churches operate smoothly, but I never knew just how much until I myself was working behind-the-scenes. Especially after Redeemer made the move to Roosevelt where we have to set up each week, I have seen how much time and energy people put into something they believe in. So many people are faithful in the small things that often go unnoticed in order to carry out the church’s vision. It is rewarding for me to see the example that so many volunteers have set out of love for Christ and for people.

2) Sometimes you just have to figure things out. #adulthood

This is true in any job, but I feel that I experienced it in a new way during my time at Redeemer. Going into the job, I knew I naturally possessed skills that translate well into an administrative position, but I also came to realize just how inexperienced I was in some areas (especially taxes and whatnot…ugh…). I often worked from home, so if I had an issue, I just had to suck it up and figure it out. Don’t get me wrong, I had a ton of people that helped me out when I asked, but I definitely learned how to put on my big-kid pants and tackle a problem for myself.

3) Workplace conflict isn’t always bad. 

This is possibly the one that surprised me the most. Maybe I was just naïve, but I think I expected less workplace conflict while working for a church than in other jobs. That didn’t necessarily prove to be the case! I was still working with sinful people, and my own “good church girl” behavior didn’t serve to hide my sin for long! Plus, the people I have worked with during these few years have all been passionate about what they are doing. That passion is necessary and wonderful, but it can lead to…ummm…heated discussions! There were definitely times I was frustrated, flustered, arrogant, cranky, or even rude. However, through this conflict, I can honestly say that I have experienced more grace in this workplace environment than in any other I have been in. Relationships were strengthened and God continued to mature and sanctify me, especially during the not-so-sunny moments.

4) Behind-the-scenes ministry isn’t second-class ministry.

For a while, I separated “administrative ministry” and “evangelistic/outreach/leadership ministry” in my mind. To me, the behind-the-scenes work of taking care of finances, setting up systems, and managing communication was definitely an important part of the church, but those that were preaching, teaching, and verbally leading were the ones doing the real ministry. God has used my time at Redeemer to blow that idea out of the water. Different people have different gifts; we all function as different parts of the body. However, my administrative ministry isn’t any less real than anyone else’s. I mean, let’s face it – churches need communication and financial strategies to operate; if those systems don’t exist, the “evangelistic ministry” is much less effective or can cease to exist at all! By serving as an administrator, I was fulfilling the role of ministry that God set before me; obedience is never second-class.

5) A church is a weird place to work.

Yeah. Super weird. Everything in my life always seemed jumbled together – my bosses were also my pastors who were also my friends who were also my mentors. My job and my church and a lot of my community life all happened through Redeemer. There were things I was doing that I was getting paid for, but at the same time I was serving in roles as a volunteer. JUST PLAIN WEIRD. I wouldn’t have it any other way, though. I got to see so many different facets of people. I got to serve in different capacities. And most importantly, I got to see God work in a million different ways. I have a better picture of the purpose and value of the local church, and I think I am a better church member because of my time on staff.

Those are just a few of the many things I have learned! It’s been a fun adventure as a staff member of Redeemer. I have worked with some of the best people around; seriously…you haven’t fully experienced life until you’ve sat through a Redeemer staff meeting (with Landon bouncing baby Merritt around, Andy nerding out over Apple products, Josh subtly making fun of Andy, and Paul pulling out the selfie stick). 
I have been unbelievably supported and encouraged. At times, I have laughed harder than I have in my life (especially while reading staff group texts). It’s a bit odd to be leaving, but luckily, I’m not “leaving” at all! I’m excited to step into some new roles at Redeemer and see where God continues to lead me. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with such talented, dedicated, gracious, passionate, and loving staff members, leaders, and church members. I have learned much about myself, about the role of the church body, about the power of the gospel, and about God’s faithfulness and provision. I’m grateful for what I’ve learned and experienced, and I’m looking forward to what lies ahead!


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