I Left My Heart in Southeast Asia...

One of our English Camps!

I love when people ask me what I did over Christmas break, because I actually have something exciting to say. “Oh, I spent my break in Southeast Asia,” usually gets some good conversation going. And the best part of those conversations is that I get to share about how God is good, faithful, and at work changing lives! But just like those conversations, I have no way of fitting everything into a blog, so I’ll try to hit some important points.
My American & Khmer sisters - Lak, Leakhena, & Anna      
Saying goodbye at the airport
Going back to this Asian country for the second time was even more amazing that I could have expected. I absolutely loved reconnecting with old friends and seeing how their lives have changed. And speaking of changed lives, it was incredible to see the lives of new believers! Being around them reminded me of how big God is and how capable He is of completely changing people. I was continually reminded of how God is in control of every situation. We had many opportunities to share the gospel and to encourage students. God answered specific prayers & constantly amazed my team by showing His work.
Reconnecting with my friend Rath!

God has also been working in my life. One of my Asian friends pointed out how different I was this year from last, and they attributed that to God working in my heart. They couldn’t have been more right. I was humbled to know that God has been putting me through situations and growing me to look more like His son. God continued that growth in Asia. One thing I prayed for was to be able to love that country and the people, and that prayer was answered beyond my expectations. I was reminded a lot of Matthew 9:36-38:
"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Jesus had compassion on the crowds. As I looked out over the city from my balcony, I could just imagine the way Jesus would have been looking at the people, full of love and mercy. I really began to understand just how important (and rewarding) it is to be a laborer for the kingdom. As I continued to look out over the city, Hillsong’s “Awakening” kept playing through my head.
My new friend Mey Mey

In our hearts, Lord
In this nation
Holy Spirit
We desire
For You and You alone, awake my soul
Awake my soul and sing.
For the world You love, Your will be done
Your will be done in me.

As I prayed those lyrics, I was amazed by just how much I could see God at work. So when I had to leave SE Asia to come back to Oklahoma, I was pretty let down. I loved seeing God working in and through me in Asia. Each day was so centered on other people and had a specific purpose, and I didn’t see how coming back to school and work would allow me to be so intentional. But boy, did God have a lot to say about that misconception! In the past three weeks, God has given me so many gospel opportunities and made me more aware to ones that I couldn’t see existed. I have become more aware that people are broken and hurting here in America just like in Asia. A broken heart is a broken heart, no matter the circumstance or details. All people need Jesus. End of story. So no matter where I am, I have a part to play. My job is to glorify God and to make His name known to the ends of the earth: from Norman to Phnom Penh. That is my purpose. 
My Amazing Team

Romans 8:22-23 says,  "For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” We are ALL longing to know the Father. My brothers and sisters in Asia know the Father, and they have big faith to act in big ways. I have been challenged to seek that kind of faith, no matter where in the world I am. So I may have left my heart in Asia, but I'm finding it Jesus and wherever he leads me. 
My beautiful friend Hannah!

Chains be broken, lives be healed, eyes be opened – Christ is revealed. 

So much joy :)


  1. Absolutely LOVE this post. You captured the heart of a mission-minded person and I love it. My heart began to break for people just reading this post. If you don't mind, I would like to put a link to this post from my blog. More people need to understand the compassion and mission Christians have in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Thanks so much for posting and sharing pictures. Sweet fellowship seems to be the theme. :)

    Love you!

  2. Thank you, Haley! That compassion and love is directly from God. He did a work in my heart that I never could. Thanks so much for the encouragement. :)


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