Year in Review

Time for my year in review! Normal people usually do this kind of thing right around New Year's, but for college kids, the year is measured by the school calendar. Since the close of my year a few days ago, a lot has been on my mind. It's been a huge blessing to sit down and remember just what happened over the last year. My Type A brain likes to keep things organized, so it's even been fun to put numbers into the past year to see how far I've come. 

Year by Numbers
2 - sisters that I missed every single day
3 - number of amazing roommates gained
3 - number of jobs held at one time 
4 - days it took to read the Hunger Games trilogy
7 - intramural games played
12 - siblings gained through "adopt-a-college-kid"
15 - hours of the longest flight I was on
21 - the age I turned in August 
26 - the number of Pandora stations listened to
26 - days spent at home
27 - days spent outside of the U.S. 
28 - people in my apartment for the OU vs. FSU watch party
29 - books bought for school
32 - cost of Hillsong ticket (best concert of the year)
35 - times listened to entire Ben Rector album collection (approximation...this number could be higher)
40 - hours of school credit completed (giving me a grand total of 145 hours)
50+ - hours spent rehearsing and preparing for a performance of Othello
72 - papers written (yes, this includes even the small 2-3 page ones...)
78 - observation hours in a school setting
500 - number of times I've heard "Uh...I left my ID at home..." at the Huff
1150 - hours spent at work
2190 - ounces of coffee drank (again, an approximation, but it's gotta be pretty close)
9,000 - approximate miles put on my car

It's fun to look at these numbers and see what was accomplished (or not accomplished...), but the most important things of the year could never be quantified. Like the friendships that were formed or continued to develop. Or the joy in returning to SE Asia and seeing old friends. Or how proud I was to watch my little sister play college softball and see my baby sister move on to high school with honors. Even the little things like spring thunderstorms, Jazz in June, surprise parties, study/giggle sessions, snow cone trips, meeting for breakfast, and late night chats were huge parts of my year.
So many things in my life this year have been unexpected blessings from God. For example, I did not plan to work at the Huff. I needed a second job, and it was available, so I jumped. But I ended up loving it and making so many new friendships through it (which led to an awesome "Huff night" midnight premiere of The Avengers). Also, I never expected to be able to go both to Cambodia and Haiti, but God provided a way. It was a privilege serving with each team, and God continued to open my eyes and heart to what He's doing in the world. And who knew when I officially joined Redeemer Church in August that I would be working there a few months later?? It has been fantastic getting to know Andy, Paul, and the rest of the congregation and growing from their example. I love being a part of what God is doing through the church.  

God has been at work in the past year and has changed me. In many ways, when I compare the Bethany of May 2011 to the Bethany of May 2012, not much is the same. God has been busy transforming my heart to match His, though I still have a long way to go. It took some hard things to get me there, but He didn't leave me once, even when I was frustrated, angry, or upset. He continues to reveal more of His character to me, even (or especially) in the midst of my faults, fears, and failures. The amount of grace and love He has lavished on me in this past year is simply incredible. I cannot deny who He is and what He's done, and I am incredibly grateful for each & every day with Him. The past year has not been exactly easy, but I wouldn't trade any of it because of how God has used each second to help me know Him more. 

As I enter my last summer then last semester as an undergrad, I cling to every reminder of faithfulness. I don't have any idea where my life will go or what God has planned for me. Right now, I'm walking each day next to Him and learning to let Him lead. No matter what happens, I have a God who loves me and knows me, and the most important thing of the last year is that He continued to prove that to me. 

Many are the plans of a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21


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