What I Learned in Italy (Or, More Accurately, What a Friend Who Lives on the Other Side of the Globe Continues to Teach Me)

A few weeks ago, I traveled to Italy with one of my best friends in the world, Kaydee. (A European vacation...not a bad way to start out 2013!) Kaydee has been living in Italy since the summer. She works with a university study abroad program in Arezzo. Last spring when she was considering the job, I told her that if she took it, I would come visit her. Lo and behold, it worked out so that I could fly back with her at the end of her trip home for Christmas! 
At the Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum

Long story short, the trip was phenomenal. I lived with Kaydee in Arezzo during the week. We did a lot of fun things around town (and pretty much ate gelato every day...oops...). She had to work a bit during the week, and even though she was worried about me having a good time while she was at work, it was actually a huge blessing. I split that time between going to work with her and trying to help her out, wandering around and exploring the city by myself, and resting/reading/meditating. It was so good to have a break and be able to just catch my breath for a moment and experience the life going on around me. It was wonderful doing the fun, Italian, "touristy" things, but it was also great to have a vacation and get a little down time. 

The Ponte Vecchio

Roman Forum

We spent the weekend in Florence and Rome before I had to return to the States on Monday. Of course, Florence and Rome were amazing...the Ponte Vecchio, Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, cathedrals, Roman Forum, shopping, markets...it was all wonderful. And we stayed in the cutest little hotel/hostel in Rome called The Beehive (shout out to Landon for the recommendation). 

Throwing my euro into the Trevi Fountain

One of the gates into the city of Arezzo

Basically, I had a fantastic trip. I have barely hit the highlights here...I could go on and on (don't even get me started on the coffee!). But during my time in Italy and while reflecting on my trip after I returned home, I realized that being in Italy with Kaydee taught me/reminded me of two things. 

First, be faithful where you are, even if it seems your world is small. 
Kaydee and I met my freshman year through a mutual friend. I was living in the dorms and Kaydee was an RA. Through the next several years, Kaydee and I grew to be close friends - we were involved in the same campus ministry, we traveled to New Mexico, Colorado, and California together, we lived in the same residence hall for three years, and Kaydee was even my "discipler" one year as we weekly met on-one-on. We have experienced a LOT of life together. 
While we were talking and reminiscing in Italy, it hit me that Kaydee's world is pretty big right now. After all, she's living in Italy and traveling across Europe...how cool is that?? But the reason that I was excited to visit her and that she welcomed me in was because, years ago, she was faithful where she was. While living in the residence halls in Norman, Oklahoma, Kaydee made an impact on my life that remains today. She followed through on the little things: letting me crash in her room, meeting me for lunch in Cate, listening if I had a problem, serving alongside me and showing me how to love others, being honest with me, going to gymnastics meets together, having movie nights...basically, she just opened up her life to me. Now, Kaydee has all these great opportunities, and I got to be a very small part of that when I visited her. Our friendship is strong today because of the effort she put into our friendship in the beginning. Because she chooses to be faithful no matter where she is, she continues to impact people and point them to the love of Jesus.

Outside the duomo of Florence

Second, be content to love Jesus and to let Him love you.
Being in Italy for over a year, completely away from your family and friends, cannot be easy. However, Kaydee has handled it with poise and grace, even though I know she misses everyone. Through some of our late-night conversations in her Italian apartment, I was amazed at the peace she possesses. It is so very evident that God has been growing and deepening her faith! This contentment transcends just homesickness; I saw it friendships, relationships, finances, school, career opportunities, unknown circumstances, and many other areas. Kaydee is continuing to pursue a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus, and He is pursuing her right back. Even when things are tough, she is content in her circumstances because she knows who she is in Christ. She is a great reminder of what it looks like to seek God but to also patiently wait for His answers and His gifts in His timing. 

So Kaydee, thank you. You are a wonderful friend and I am so glad I was able to visit you. Thank you for continuing to show me what it means to trust God, step out in faith, and be loved by Jesus.

The Pantheon

One of our train rides


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