Happy, Free, Confused, & Lonely...

"We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time. It's miserable and magical..." 
-22 by Taylor Swift

Say what you will about T-Swift, but if you were 22 when this song was released, it automatically became your JAM.
It's just flat-out relatable. She demonstrates the spectrum of emotion that often accompanies young adulthood. Seriously, we are all OVER the place sometimes.

But today, I am 23. (Unfortunately, I've yet to find any cool songs about this age...what a disappointment...) I don't yet know how it will compare to 22. But before I move onward on this journey called life (nice cliche, eh?), I think the year of 22 was good enough to celebrate with some highlights.


When I was 22, I was a student. I began my final semester as an OU undergraduate. Four months and several papers later, I walked across the stage and received my diploma. What a crazy ride it was. I learned so much about myself & who God has created me to be in those 4.5 years. And I had some awesome friends to help celebrate the end of that journey. (For more about my time at OU, visit this post.)

When I was 22, I was a graduate. Hello, real world! Except...my version of the real world didn't quite look like many people expected. Following a lot of prayer & counsel, I decided not to go ahead with student teaching in order to be fully certified to teach secondary English. Instead, I accepted a half-time position at Redeemer Church to be the administrative assistant. (To supplement that, I also work part-time at a health food store.) To many friends, classmates, professors, family members, & even random strangers that offer their opinion, that decision made NO sense. And for a while, I couldn't really articulate what was in my heart. After 8 months at this position, the words come easier. I believe God clearly called me to Norman. I believe in Redeemer and it's mission. I am using some of my skills & abilities to further the kingdom of God. I feel that I am being obedient to the mission set before me at the current time. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm learning to be in the here and now. So no, working two part-time jobs may not make sense, but then again, God's plans often don't to us.

When I was 22, I traveled to Italy! It was the only overseas country I got to visit during my 22nd year, but I think I chose wisely. I got to visit one of my dearest friends, see sights I'd only dreamed of seeing, explore a new culture, & experience some amazing coffee. Definitely one of the coolest things I've ever done.

When I was 22, I moved from an apartment to my first house, which was a little bit stressful and a whole lot exciting! God has blessed us with a great place and wonderful landlords, and He perfectly worked out the timing. Unfortunately, I had to leave behind some amazing roommates; Kim, Taylor, & Brittney were HUGE parts of my life and I miss living with them. However, I got to move in with a couple of wonderful ladies - Hilary, who is about the sweetest person you'll ever meet, and Kelsey, who happens to be my sister. :) It has been wonderful to welcome her into my life in Norman and to see her preparing to begin her junior year at OU. Another perk of staying in Norman - an amazing opportunity to get to live with my sister once again.

So, those are the big events of the year 22! It wasn't always easy, and honestly it wasn't always fun, but I wouldn't take back a second. I spent much of the year learning that my identity is not in my educational status, my social status, or my professional status, but is in Christ and Christ alone. I'm leaning on that truth as I move into 23 - with or without a catchy tune.

Now for the photos...

The sister group

Gotta have some Sooner Football!

Dear, dear friend Anna

Some of my favorites
Fellow LA Ed grads

With the sisters!

Wonderful roomies


Trevi Fountain

At the Ponte Vecchio with my dear friend Kaydee

Easter with some wonderful ladies

Gotta have that Eskimo Sno

Finally, some softball with the sisters!


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