The Church at Work

As you may know, next week is our big relaunch at Redeemer Church. Basically, we are becoming mobile on Sunday mornings as we begin meeting at an elementary school. Needless to say, there is a lot of set-up, tear-down, and other details that will be happening each week. This will happen almost exclusively through volunteer effort. 

In order to prepare for our relaunch, we held a time of "rehearsal" and training today. As a staff member of Redeemer, I have the privilege of seeing a lot of the behind-the-scenes planning, preparation, and prayer. And let me tell you, as much as I love & trust the leadership of Redeemer, the past few months of putting this process together has been a bit of a roller coaster for me (and I would venture to say for many others, as well!). However, God keeps showing up at just the right time. 

Initially, I was nervous that the church body wouldn't get behind the idea of moving, or that our mission would be misunderstood. 
But God had initiated this plan long ago, and I begin seeing people not only get behind the idea, but rally to support it and to gain support from others. Our mission to love and serve Christ by loving and serving our community became more and more clear. People began to lead in ways that I had not previously seen. It was amazing to see the unity that was forged. 

So, we voted to move. I was feeling pretty good until…
I saw our budget. (Ha!) 
I could not imagine how this would actually work in the rather short timeline we had created. (I'm rather a skeptic when it comes to money.) 
But God showed up. He moved in people's hearts to give, and they were obedient! We have seen such generosity from individuals and other churches, and it usually happens at just the right time. 

Then, I was unsure that we would find a good place to meet. 
But God is sovereign. He is present and He provides. We are getting the chance to be engaged with our community and to have opportunities to share the love of Christ by meeting in a public school. That is not something that happens often. It is a great reminder of not only how privileged we are to have freedom of worship, but also of how no arena is closed off to the work of God. 

Finally, I was apprehensive about the actual process of setting up a church gathering each week. There are so many details that go into just one Sunday - signs, various children's areas, a lobby, tech stuff (LOTS of tech stuff), chairs, loading/unloading and storing a trailer, and on and on! I knew there was a time of training approaching, but I had no idea how many people would show, how it would go, what we would forget -- I had no idea about anything, actually. 
But God came through. He proved Himself faithful again today! We had a ton of volunteers. Each person I saw seemed willing to serve in any way possible. Wait, let me rephrase that - they weren't just willing, they were flat-out joyous and excited. 

Now, this was no easy task. There were a lot of people and things everywhere, and not to mention kids! It was most people's first time in the school, let alone their first time seeing all of the supplies. We had a LOT of things to figure out in a short time. Oh, one other thing -- there was no A/C for much of the day. 
But despite all of this, I watched people give up their time. I watched people come together as the church to work not for their glory, but for the glory of God. I watched people demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control. 

And man, did that make me excited! 

It may not be an easy or simple road ahead of us, but God has placed us on it for a reason, and because of what I saw today, I am excited to run the race with this group of people. 

Today I saw the church at work. 

Today I watched an imperfect community of imperfect people putting together an imperfect system in order to worship a perfect God. 

Today I saw how God's vision leads to plans that then become reality, only by His grace. 

Today I saw God glorified in Norman, Oklahoma. 

Shameless plug - We would love to have you join us this week as we relaunch! Beginning 8/17/14, we will be gathering on Sunday mornings at 10:30 at Roosevelt Elementary. Check out our website! 


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