Just Trust

A few months ago, I wrote this when I was trying to understand how to trust God even when my plans were dissolving and my desires weren't being met. I wanted to understand why God was doing what He was doing, but was frustrated that He wasn't revealing that to me. I needed to see that He had something planned for my life and that He was the only person worth following. Although I'm growing in how to trust, it's still a long process. Even though I wrote this a while back, I found it in my journal and it's a big encouragement (and challenge) to me this week. 

Between my desires and my plans,
there is trust.  

Trust in You.
Trust that You have plans for me.
Trust that Your ways are not my own.
Trust that You are good.
Trust that I am already loved. 

My heart fails me. I work so hard to trust You.
I work. Instead of letting You.

I don't always understand.
I don't always want to let go.
I don't always see clearly.  

But what does that matter? 
You are the God of the universe...
You owe me no explanation,
no signs,
no clarity. 
Trust comes without clarity. 
It is a light that shines on You,
revealing love,
not answers

Trust is belief...
belief that You are good in every circumstance.

Belief is faith...
faith that You will come through. 

Faith is hope...
hope that the life You form for me is one better than I could ever piece together.

Hope is trust...
trust that Your arms are open wide with unconditional love. 

Between my desires and my plans, there is


  1. Thanks for sharing this poem Bethany. It's beautiful and something I really needed to hear. The line where you say "Trust comes without clarity.
    It is a light that shines on You, revealing love, not answers. " is especially challenging for me. Thanks again!

  2. i couldn't possibly tell you how much i needed this today. what a beautiful reminder that God owes me no explanation. And there is more of Jesus at the end of the day...at the end of my plans. love you.


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