Take Heart

My last post "Give Them Jesus" was a bit intense. I realize that I spent a lot of time telling about how not to respond to people. I did mention that Jesus is what people need, but I don't think I expounded enough on that truth!

The reason we don't have to have all the answers or have the ability to "fix" someone is because Jesus has already done that. The song "Take Heart" by Hillsong has a line that says, "In death by love, the fallen world was overcome - He wears the scars of our freedom." I absolutely love that line. We are free because of Christ's death! He has overcome all of our failures, fears, insecurities, and sins. That is why we need to give people Jesus. We need to understand that even though we are incapable of fixing a person or giving them what they need, Jesus has already died for them and has made things right. And sure, it's great to encourage someone, pray with them, and even give them Spirit-led advice. (Not all advice is bad.) But whatever we do, we have the joy of pointing them back to Jesus Christ and the gospel. We get to point people to the majesty, greatness, grace, and love of God and let Him do work in their hearts!

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

All our failure
All our fear
God our love
He has overcome

All our heartache
All our pain
God our healer
He has overcome

All our burdens
All our shame
God our freedom
He has overcome

All our troubles
And all our tears
God our hope
He has overcome

God our justice
God our grace
God our freedom
He has overcome

God our refuge
God our strength
God is with us
He has overcome
(From "Take Heart")

We can rejoice! Jesus Christ has overcome the world! We don't have to have all the answers, whether for ourselves or for others. Jesus is enough; Jesus is everything. 

So take heart! 

(I encourage you to listen to this song!)


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