The Confederate Flag & the Gospel
Up until now, I have managed to stay largely silent in the online discussion of race and culture in America, specifically regarding the many events of the past year or so. I believe these conversations are far more beneficial to all parties when they happen face-to-face. However, I’m going to dip my toe in the water and throw my two cents in, starting with the Confederate flag issue. I will be the first to admit, I don’t have any sort of attachment or association with the Confederate flag. It means nothing to me one way or another. I have not studied the history of it; I have heard claims from both sides of the argument that it is absolutely racist and absolutely not racist. I have heard adherents to the flag claim “Southern heritage”. Maybe there is some sort of attachment there; I’m not going to pretend that I understand it. But what I do understand is what that flag means to so many people in America today, many of them my own dear friends. People who have been marginalize...